Running Sick

I’ve been battling some sort of sickness since last week and that’s meant no running. I didn’t bother testing, so who knows whether it is COVID-19, RSV, “just a cold” or some other virus that is going around. Whatever it is, I haven’t felt up for any running since last weekend.

I’m going to give it a go this morning though, now that my Garmin notes my health metrics are starting to recover. I don’t feel as tired as I have throughout the week and the sinus congestion is mostly gone.

Of course, it snowed 10cm overnight just to add to the fun. I might just treadmill run instead of going outside. Part of me wants the fresh air though and it’s a balmy -3ºC and sunny which is a nice change from the cold snap we’ve been suffering through.

Skipping Runs

Not running is tough. Each day I would go into the Runna app to see what was on my schedule and each day I would tap “Skip Workout”. I know there isn’t really a coach that is looking at that and thinking I was being lazy, but I did feel that way a bit.

When I was doing everyday running during the pandemic, I actually ran everyday even when I had COVID-19. It wasn’t much – just a mile or two and very easy – but I did get outside to run. I probably should have made an effort to get outside to at least walk or get some exercise this week, but I didn’t.

Here’s hoping the run goes well and that I can ease back into my training plan for Around the Bay which is 78 days away now.

James Koole @jameskoole