My Runna program officially started yesterday, but I did a few “pre-program” runs. Think of it like a Week 0 on a 12 week program.
Yesterday I did about 30 minutes of Strength and Conditioning (S&Cs) with Runna as well. That was things like calf raises, plank, and other light core and lower leg strengthening exercises.
Today I had my first “official” run with Runna which was an intervals session. Here’s the breakdown:
- 2km warm up at easy pace (5:25/km or slower).
- 60 seconds walk.
- 5 x 400m at 4:10/km with 60 seconds walk between each interval.
- 60 seconds walk.
- Another 5 x 400m at 4:10/km with 60 seconds walk between each interval.
- 60 seconds walk.
- 1km cool down at easy pace.
It went really well, despite the rain that poured down throughout. I planned out a route that allowed for (mostly) un-interrupted 400m intervals. I had one that was cut slightly short by a red light. The Runna app creates workouts on Garmin that are uploaded to my watch which took me through each phase and even provided live pace guidance for each interval to keep me in the pace sweet spot.
Check it out on Garmin Connect if you want. The intervals show up nicely in the charts with the intended pace and times. Neat!
I have to say, I enjoyed the workout a lot. It was a nice change of pace, pun intended, from my usual tempo Tuesday runs. It ended up being 8.75km and the time passed fairly quickly.
Next up is a 5km easy run tomorrow and then a 7km half tempo, half easy run for Thursday. That should be a fun one as well.