Streak Running

Training for the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon is basically done with the race coming up in eight days. I’ve been running five days a week for the last few months, taking Monday and Friday off as a rest day. That’s been good in terms of being able to build back fitness and also to avoid injury through over-stress of my legs.

But as we head into the nicer weather, I’m considering going back to daily running for a while. I don’t think I want to do a streak of any length; I just want to add back in Monday and Friday and enjoy the benefits of running every day.

When I say I don’t want to do a streak, what I mean is that I’d avoid getting back into that mode where I would run everyday no matter what. I did that one year to run “every day” for 365 days in a row and that comes with some special challenges around scheduling in runs.

I’ve not fully decided on this yet, but coming out of Vancouver, and once I’m back in Toronto again and not having to go into the office, I plan to go back to running every day that I can.

James Koole @jameskoole